WELCOME TO BOOBS INSTITUTE. Welcome. To the buubs institute. Thank you for stopping by the BOOB INSTITUTES - we are SO Glad to have you in the boobsiest place on the internet. Without this place, there would be no boobs on the internet. And it is obvious that internet = real life. Maybe, in an alternate bad universe, there would be no boobs EVER without this website. On this website, we love BBOOB. That is why we have decided to create. The. Boobs.institute. Welcome to boobs institute.boobs.institute. We are professional. I am not putting a breaker here shut up. We are professional coders who love HTML with boobs and one day we will have boobs.
4. We love boobs. And boobs love us - it has been proven through many sciences and scencieces and many ankety and polls and all That, that oboobs love us and we love them. The demographic of the coding team for this website is AAAALLLL BOOBS Lovers. And boobs. Boob ooo. Our headquarters are based in Boob street, Boobtislava, Boobvakia. Our favorite number is 8, because it looks like booebs. If you also love Boobs then please!!! come look around, because you might find some and they will come handy. Just like your handies will come upon a boober. :D
We have so much to offer to the beautiful people of This location that have stumbled upon our magnificent magnum opus - BOOBS.INSTITUTE. We offer you many many letters and sentences and texts and they're alllll about boobs and boobe and ooobies and bobes and blobes and bob and tities (not sure about that one). And yknow the deal. Boobss. Boobs. Anyways!! come forth my boobly children and boobious followers and come witness all that is boob.
Our assortment of wildlife feasting upon the great Boob forest. Boobsortment someboob might say. As one can see, they come in many colors and shapes. Here at boob.s.institute.boobs.institute we value our ecosystem of boobanimals. And boobs. If you decide to visit our website, you can come and see our boobily animals yourselves. Why wouldn't you want to do that? You'd do it for us riiiight? And the boobs! They get lonely you know. There's too many of them for us few service workers to tend to them all. Too many boobs in the boob forest. Overpopulation? Overboobulation!!! Free questionmarks? Boobunious. Boub. Let's get into the boobiness! That's what all the people say when they come across a boob in the perfect boobvironment.
Did you know? Fun fact: Did you know? Fun fact: Did you know the fun fact that boob is actually one letter away from boobs? And also institute. Institute is one letter away from boobs.institute. If you disagree please leave us alone. We have had too many death threats over this simple obvious fact. We can't handle people threatening our lives because we know and stand by the fact that boobs is one letter away. Damn I wish boobs were that close IRL - which stands for In Real Boobs. Institute - Google. Tony will be happy. Send this to Tony IMMEDIATELY. This is a request by GOOGLE GOOGLE Google Google GOOGLE. Googol. Googel GOOLGE gugle. BOOBLE!!! Booble coming soon maybe. Bouble.
Enter the boob institute. Enter the boob institute. Enter the boob institute. ☺
Legal disclaimer: this website is a work of fiction, we are lying. WE ARE FUCKING LYING.
nothing here is meant to be taken at face value and as fact. we make up stories and events and we lie a lot.
none of the shit about kittsee actually happened, or other towns, or whatever, we just really like boobs.
If your name is Marcel Orndorff and have a connection to the region of Kittsee, please email lucy@boobs.institute and we will issue an apology
and replace the name.